The Source of River Nile in Uganda

Water Solutions for SDGs


GWL Program Launched in Uganda on 28th June 2022

Somalia is experiencing the worst drought in decades

Climate Resilience through Water

The Nile River in Egypt

Transboundary Cooperation

Safaricom is being engaged in Nairobi towards finding water solutions

Private Sector Engagement

Launching Response Strategy in Uganda

Launch of the Response Strategy in Rwanda

Launch of the Response Strategy in Rwanda

20th Anniversary

GWPEA to celebrate 20 years of IWRM implementation

Global Water Partnership Eastern Africa (GWPEA) is proud to celebrate its 20th anniversary, marking two decades of dedicated work in implementing Integrated Water Resource Management in the region. This momentous occasion presents an opportunity to reflect on our milestones, lessons learned, best practices, and remarkable achievements. 

Capacity Building

GWPEA Hosts Pan Africa Water Governance and International Water Law Training

Building on the success of these trainings, and growing demand for knowledge and skills relevant to the preparation and financing of transboundary water projects, GWP hosted the Pan-Africa Capacity Building Workshop on International Water Law and Water Governance: for improved practices in transboundary water investments in Africa, in Entebbe, Uganda from 19-23 September 2022.


The government of Uganda launches the Response Strategy to address bottlenecks that impede IWRM and WASH

Mr. Emmanuel Freddie Mugunga the undersecretary from Ministry of Water and Environment of Uganda who represented the Permanent Secretary signing the Respnse Strategy during the Launch during the Uganda Water and Environment Week on 19th March 2024.

Watch about GWL launch in Uganda

Capacity Building

Mainstreaming Water Resilience into District Land use Plans in Rwanda

GWPEA in collaboration with Rwanda Water Resources Board and National Land Authority trained both Karongi and Rusizi district techncorats in charge of Natural Resources Management and Land on how to Mainstream Water Resilience in Districts Land Use Plans.